after_commit vs after_save

2016/05/15 Rails

在rails中使用after_ 或before_ 的回调方法,能方便的帮我们处理代码逻辑。 after_save方法:顾名思义就是在save 之后进行操作。 rails guide中的一句:after_save runs both on create and update, but always after the more specific callbacks after_create and after_update, no matter the order in which the macro calls were executed.

  class User < ActiveRecord::Base
    after_save :notify_email, on: [:update] :if => {|record| record.previous_changes.key?(:password) && record.previous_changes[:password].first != record.previous_changes[:password].last}
    #after_commit :notify_email, on: [:update] :if => {|record| record.previous_changes.key?(:password) && record.previous_changes[:password].first != record.previous_changes[:password].last}
    def notify_email
        # ...

after_save(after_commit)可以使用 on 来指定是update还是create操作触发回调,如果没有指定,这两种操作都会触发回调 下面代码的例子转自:

To add a new Book to a queue for a Review after it is saved:

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
  after_save :enqueue_for_review

  def enqueue_for_review
    ReviewQueue.add(book_id:"Added #{} to ReviewQueue")

We can assume that the ReviewQueue is a key/value storage (Redis or something similar) backed object whose purpose is to place new Books into a queue for critics to review. The Logger class simply outputs text to stdout.

When everything goes well, the callback works beautifully:

  title: 'A New Book',
  author_id: 3,
  content: 'Blah blah...'
#=> Added 4 to ReviewQueue
#=> <Book id: 4, title: 'A New Book' ..>

#=> 1

However, if this code was wrapped in a transaction, and that transaction fails, the Book will not persist but the element on in the Redis-backed ReviewQueue remains.

ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
    title: 'A New Book',
    author_id: 3,
    content: 'Blah blah...'

  raise StandardError, 'Something Happened'

#=> Added 4 to ReviewQueue
#=> Error 'Something Happened'

#=> 1
Book.find_by(title: "A New Book")
#=> nil

This code has now generated an element on the ReviewQueue for a non-existent Book; however, if the after_commit callback is used, this problem will fade away. Replacing after_save with after_commit:

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
  after_commit :enqueue_for_review

  # ...

ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
    title: 'A New Book',
    author_id: 3,
    content: 'Blah blah...'

  raise StandardError, 'Something Happened'

#=> Error 'Something Happened'

#=> 0

Awesome, the after_commit callback is only triggered after the record is persisted to the database, exactly what we wanted.

中文解释: 在这个例子中,当触发回调的create操作外层包裹了transaction时候,使用after_save操作,如果transaction有异常保存失败, 即使book对象先是create成功了(即save操作完成过一次),但是由于后面的代码报错,触发了transaction的rollback,使得create操作撤销。 使得book对象没有create一个新的对象,这是正确的。但是,after_save操作由于book有save操作完成过一次,在save操作完成时就触发了回调 (那时候raise代码还没执行到,rollback操作还没完全执行。可以认为after_save在save操作后触发回调极快,比遇到异常触发rollback回滚还快,使得after_save的回调方法被执行了,但其实新建的book对象由于异常又回滚了)。 这样ReviewQueue就新建了一个 对象。然而,ReviewQueue对象所对应的book_id(book对象)已经由于transaction的异常而rollback回滚撤销保存了,数据库里是没有这个book对象。 也就使得ReviewQueue 的book_id 在Book中是不存在的。如果有相关的操作就会报根据这个book_id 找不到book对象 而用 after_commit 操作就解决这个问题了。after_commit 操作会监听最外层的transaction范围内都正常执行完,才会触发回调。如果在最外层的 transaction范围内有异常发生,都会发生回滚。而after_save只会监听create这个操作范围内的代码异常(这个例子中可以认为after_commit监听的异常代码范围大于after_save) 总结: 如果方法外层有transaction包裹进行的需要触发的回调,请务必使用after_commit。这样保证after_commit监听的异常代码范围最大

你还可以看另一个例子: Use after_commit instead of active record callbacks to avoid unexpected errors 这篇文章大概的意思是:

  1. main process
  2. worker process
  3. BEGIN

after_create: INSERT comment in comments table

return id 10 for newly-created notification

SELECT * FROM notifications WHERE id = 10 COMMIT

after_commit: INSERT comment into comments_table return id 10 for newly-created notification COMMIT SELECT * FROM notifications WHERE id = 10

You won’t see any issue in development, as local db can commit fast. But in production server, db traffic might be huge, worker probably finish faster than transaction commit. e.g

In this case, the worker process query the newly-created notification before main process commits the transaction,it will raise NotFoundError, because transaction in worker process can’t read uncommitted notification from transaction in main process.

而用after_commit 操作就不会了, 子进程(asyns_send_notification)一定会等整个代码进行到commit操作之后,才会触发。从这里也可以看出after_commit监听的范围比after_save要大


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